Not Long 4 This World:Whitney Houston dying

Publication: National Enquirer
Date: 1 Mar. 2010

When I started this blog, the idea was to keep track of verifiable stuff, like divorces and deaths, but the tabloids are so damned entertaining, I publish most of the celebrity stuff they put on their covers. (I currently draw the line at the reality show The Bachelor. I hate that crap and those people don't count as celebrities to me.)

But to start this new week, the Flagship puts a story front and center that is in keeping with this blog's original intent. They say Whitney Houston is dying and drugs and booze are the cause.

The tabloids got a lot of credit for having a cover saying Michael Jackson had six months to live. The original point of this blog was that they say that about a lot of people, and it doesn't always come true. This week, Whitney gets added to the official 2010 list.