On the Rocks Alert, with a side order of Hairdresser:The Benny Hinn divorce gets nastier

Publication: National Examiner
Date: 15 Mar. 2010

Until very recently, I didn't know Benny Hinn from Adam. Hinn is a televangelist on one of the 736 Stations of the Cross you can get on cable, but he doesn't make much of a splash politically like Rick Warren or James Dobson or Pat Robertson, so he's nowhere near my radar screen. Reading up on him a little bit, he believes in a prosperity gospel, not unlike Reverend Ike did and Jim Bakker did at one time before he repented his sin on this topic. Hinn was also blessed with the gift of prophecy, but sadly God gave him the cheaper version, the gift of completely incorrect prophecy. Hinn said back in the 1990s that the Eastern seaboard would be in ruins due to earthquakes before the end of the decade, and likewise that Fidel Castro would be dead before the year 2000. He also predicted that 1995 would see the destruction of the homosexuals in America. So, 0 for 3 for the Prophet Benny.

Regardless of his level of celebrity with the unwashed heathens like me, Hinn has built up a huge ministry and news of his divorce means a whole lot of money is going to be contested in court. The Examiner took up valuable cover space to let us know that there are rumors, just rumors, mind you, that he is gay.

So it's a lucky thing for Hairdresser Benny that the Prophet Benny was such a useless dud.