Man Slut Alert™:Tiger Woods flunks lie detector test

Publication: Globe
Date: 8 Mar. 2010

The Globe reports that Tiger Woods flunked a lie detector test. Who was making him take a lie detector test and what he lied about, you'll have to pick up the Globe to find that out.

Not to defend him, but a lie detector test? Really? Did we force George W. Bush or Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld to take lie detector tests? How about the folks who brought Enron crashing down or the guys running Goldman Sachs?

The answers to all those questions, of course, are no. Killing thousands or stealing billions doesn't rate, while screwing dozens does.

If we really paid as much attention to our government as we do to Tiger Woods or The Bachelor, we might have something like a representative democracy. I'm not sure what you call what we have right now.