Three month review for Spring 2011, part two: Birth predictions.

Unlike death predictions, saying some woman is pregnant has no promise that it must come true eventually. Let's look at the pregnancy rumors in the supermarket rags from six to nine months ago, July through September 2011, all of which should be verifiable by now.

The actually pregnant: Kelly Preston and Christina Applegate have already given birth. Mariah Carey has confirmed she is expecting twins soon. Even though the Three Wicked Step Sisters made all kinds of wild claims about Preston's pregnancy, let's count this as three correct.

The not pregnant: Kim Kardashian, Chelsea Clinton, Katie Holmes, Carrie Underwood, Ellen DeGeneres, Kourtney Kardashian, Megan Fox and Angelina Jolie. Let's stipulate that Ellen's pregnancy was a silly story from a psychic and Katie has been called pregnant when she played a pregnant Jackie Kennedy in a mini-series, but when the tally is taken, it's three right and eight wrong for a .273 batting average. If this were hitting a major league baseball, that wouldn't be so bad, but this is about journalism, when you are really expected to bat 1.000 or have a damn good reason why not.

Tomorrow: popularity and the naughty vs. nice tally.