No Bun In The Oven Alert™: Paris Hilton is ready for a baby.

Publication: OK!
Date: 7 March 2011

It's easy to think of Paris Hilton as the top gossip girl, but she's really yesterday's news as far as The Only Ten Magazines That Matter are concerned. It's not that she's too old, it's that she isn't on TV. She has had less cover stories than Nicole Richie has had since the beginning of 2010, 10 to 8, and both of them pale in comparison to any random Kardashian family member.

When I say she's not too old, she's turning 30, exactly the same age as Kim K., and like Kim K., she says she's ready for a baby. Paris may have a regular boyfriend, I don't even know. It hasn't been in the gossip rags, so I haven't been paying attention.