The Line In The Sand:What I will not report

This week's tabloid headlines are slim pickings. Usually, there are enough stories for four updates a day and sometimes more, but this week it looks like a little more than three a day will get us through, not counting stories that might happen that scoop the tabs. Part of the reason is a lot of duplication of stories. The other reason is there are a lot of stories about this incredibly stupid show with the rose that I will not even name.

These people aren't celebrities and they never will be and I don't give a rat's ass if he's no good for her or she's no good for him or it's a match made in heaven. Unless one of these people does something truly newsworthy, like curing cancer or going on an interstate crime spree, their names will not be linked to a Love Bird Alert or an On The Rocks Alert or a You So Crazy Alert or even an Enboobening Alert.

There's been a lot of mission creep on this blog in the nine weeks it has been in existence, but this is a line I will not cross.